Monday, August 26, 2019

Dry goods | The rare probability of Texas Hold'em is summed up!

If you have been playing live poker or online poker for a while, even if it is only a short time, you must have seen a hand that you never 918kiss apk download thought of before. The back door flush draws the back door and hits the straight. The only one of the opponent's cards in the river has shattered your huge advantage.

But what is the probability of these “wandering opportunities”? What should we expect from this?

Below I sorted out some of the unusual hand probabilities in Texas Hold'em.

AA vs. AA probability

Let's start with a simple but quite important probability: AA.

There are 1,326 different hand combinations in Texas Hold'em, six of which are AA. The probability of sending any AA to AA is 6:1,320, which is 1:221 (or 0.45%). You probably already know this, but what is the probability that your opponent will also send to AA?

On a full table (the full table in this article refers to the nine-person table), you can only send AA every 154 times.

The scene where both of them got AA was spectacular, but it was simply impossible. What happened to the probability of buying a tournament for $1 million? It hurts when I think about it, not to mention the probability, but at the 2014 WSOP Drip High Roller, it happened to Connor Drinan.

KK hit AA

If you get AA, you have nothing to fear before the flop. But if you get KK, there will always be some anxiety in your mind, worrying about which opponent got the AA.

Is this possible? The answer is the same as many of the answers in poker, "see the situation."

If you are singled out, only face one opponent. Then the opponent can get an AA for about 220 hands. Therefore, the possibility that his card can defeat your KK is very low.

However, in the case of a full table (9-person table) with 8 opponents, the possibility of someone getting an AA suddenly is a lot bigger (although still small).

The probability of this happening is 26:1. You'd better put the worst situation aside, but sometimes a really good player can use KK to make a discreet fold before the flop.

QQ hit KK (and AA)

When you hold KK, the possibility of you encounter a better card before the flop is possible, but it is almost impossible, but what about holding QQ?

QQ is even more vulnerable, although you are likely to be leading before the flop, but still consider the possibility of someone holding KK or AA.

On the table full, the probability of this happening is 13:1.

If you raise someone in front of you, and add and reconcile all of them, it almost means that one of the 13 times will happen. You should fold.

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